
Shane Baker

Senior Pastor

Shane Baker has been serving as Senior Pastor of FBCNH since June 16, 2019.  He is a two time graduate of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and earned his doctorate at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.  Shane is married to Astasha and they have two children, Ari and Ellie.

Carl Warren

Minister of Music

Carl Warren has served as the Minister of Music at FBCNH for the past 15 years.  He too has a host of grandchildren that keep him busy when not in the throes of keeping the music ministry in prime order.

Rhonda Cain


Rhonda Cain serves as our church secretary as well as our pianist.  She has been serving since May of 2007.  Rhonda has 4 grandchildren that keep her busy when she is not communicating or creating for the church.


Director of Youth and Children

Director of Youth and Children Committee has posted a position with the Madison Baptist Association and the Alabama State Board of Mission websites.